Membership Benefits

Leading Support Group for Families of Multiples

CMOMS is the leading support group for families of multiple-birth children in the Greater Charlotte area – our guiding mission is to support all parents of multiples - twins, triplets, quadruplets or more!  Our many programs include New MOM Support, Nursing Support, Scholarships, Fundraisers, Social Events, Community Involvement and much more!

We also have support groups for Higher Order Multiples (for those with triplets or more), Veteran MOMs (for mothers with multiples over 3 years old), and MOMs suffering from Postpartum Depression.

Exciting & Fun Events

We organize numerous fun events and socials - from MOMs only events, to date night options, to full family events.  You can participate in our monthly District meetings, where CMOMs in your surrounding area gather for dinner, brunch, etc. to socialize, share stories, successes, and frustrations, and generally just get a short break from the kids.

Our Districts also organize play dates and other District events as well.  We have Working MOM lunches in the University, Uptown, and South Charlotte/Ballantyne areas for those who like to meet during their work day to connect with fellow working moms.

We gather as families for several social events throughout the year, such as our annual Holiday Social (with one of the best Santa's in the area), our Fall Social (usually involved pumpkin picking), and our Summer Social (events such as Zootastic, Lazy 5 Ranch, Kannapolis Intimidators games, etc).

Our Veteran MOM (VMOM) families gather to participate in events that our children 3+ will enjoy, such as our extremely popular semi-annual camping trip, trips to Carowinds, to the Knights game, game nights, etc.

We have fundraising events such as Bounce U parties, online shopping parties through our Circle of Support program, and our annual Silent Auction, which raises funds for our Scholarship Program.

There are definitely plenty of event options for you to choose from as a member of our organization!

Social Network

Club communications and the membership process are conducted through our members-only online community on There you will find our fantastic social network – including postings of all CMOMs events and announcements, discussion forums, photos, CMOM news, classifieds, and more!

Our discussion forums are a great way to ask for advice and feedback from others as you navigate life's constant challenges and changes while raising multiples.  Need advice on sleep training, potty training, best parks in the area, choosing your charter school, to separate your multiples or not in school, preparing for middle school, high school, or college, how to manage competitiveness, etc?  You name it, you can ask it and find others who have faced your similar struggle or dilemmas before.  Post your question in one of our discussion forums and get the feedback you need.  Or read through others posts and share your experiences as you help them through their questions.  It's a true family of caring women who are here to help each other.

We also have a members only Facebook group where we organize playdates, share information, ask each other questions, etc.